Solid vs Engineered Wooden Flooring - Which Performs Better?

The flooring industry is perhaps more diverse today than it's ever been at any other point in history. There are so many high-performance products to choose from in the Wood Connexions market. Among all the contemporary flooring products, there’s one flooring solution that still stands out today for its timeless beauty, longevity, and luxuriousness - and that’s wooden flooring. Even if you’ve already settled on a lovely new wooden floor, there’s still many choices for you to choose from, to begin with; do you want a solid hardwood floor, or an engineered one?

Hardwood VS Engineered wood

The most significant distinction between solid and engineered hardwood floors is in their structure and their construction. Solid hardwood flooring is formed from a single piece of solid hardwood. On the other hand, engineered hardwood features multiple layers of wood, each stacked on top of one another. The top layer is generally the only layer that’s real hardwood. Engineered wood typically has a core that consists of five to seven layers of wood connexions.


If you are considering engineered oak flooring in your Teddington home, the good news is that engineered wood flooring is low-maintenance and easy to install. It’s worth bearing in mind that solid wood flooring can be refinished more easily than engineered oak flooring can, and the cost of refinishing is obviously far less than installing new flooring. By contrast, engineered wood is less sensitive to moisture than solid wood, because it is constructed in layers, and it’s also quicker and easier to install than solid hardwood flooring. Engineered oak flooring also works better with heated flooring systems than solid wood flooring does.


Another significant consideration when selecting a new floor is its lifespan. The difference in longevity between solid and engineered hardwood flooring can be quite pronounced, with solid hardwood flooring tending to outlast engineered wooden flooring.


Solid hardwood flooring will generally require more in terms of maintenance over its lifespan, but one significant benefit of solid hardwood flooring is that it can be sanded and varnished multiple times over its lifetime. This is in contrast to engineered hardwood floors, which can only be refinished once, or perhaps twice at most.

In Conclusion

Knowing the key differences between solid and engineered hardwood flooring will help you make an informed decision, and find the very best flooring solution for your home or business. Solid wood flooring may have a slight advantage in prestige for some people, but engineered wood flooring has its own distinct advantages, not least of which are its lower cost, ease of installation, and greater sustainability.


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